Featured Post

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


One week ago, a baby orangutan disappeared from the Sintang Orangutan CenterWest Kalimantan, Borneo. The young ape, Luna, went missing during forest activities in the day.
Police, army officials, volunteers and organisations such as Orangutan Outreach, theCenter for Orangutan Protection and Jakarta Animal Aid Network are all involved in the search.
If anyone has any information regarding the situation, and/or Luna's whereabouts they are urged to:
  • 1. Immediately alert local authorities, providing them with any relevant information. If you believe that your safety may be compromised in the act of doing this, please try to provide information anonymously.
  • 2. Contact Orangutan Outreach to communicate this information with them so that they can effectively coordinate with Indonesian and/or foreign authorities in identifying Luna:

Richard Zimmerman  Director, Orangutan Outreach 
Email: info@redapes.org
Description of Luna:

Approx. 2 feet tall (60cm). Roughly 2 years old.
Fuzzy bright-orange floppy hair. Small, skinny legs. Very fine, long, skinny fingers. Protruding snout.
Characteristic behaviour:
  • Does not like to be left alone - when alone she crawls up into a ball, face down on the ground and squeals in a very high pitch. She doesn't like strangers and will swat at them.
Recent photographs:
  • "At this point we cannot rule out the possibility that Luna's disappearance could be the result of foul play. She may very well have been captured by wildlife smugglers and sold. She may even have been smuggled out of Indonesia by now. The awful truth is that the illegal pet trade is still very much alive in that part of the world, and a baby orangutan is tremendously valuable to someone living in desperate poverty."

Thank you for your help,

 Richard Zimmerman
Director, Orangutan Outreach 
Email: info@redapes.org

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