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Thursday, January 17, 2019

An Introduction to the Insects

Dear members and friends,

We like to invite you for a talk on insects of Borneo by Chien Lee.
Date :Saturday 26 Jan 2019
Venue: Islamic Information Centre Lower Baruk
Time 7.30-9.30 pm
Please register by email mnskuching@gmail.com by latest on 25 January

An Introduction to the Insects of Borneo

With an estimated three million species, insects are by far the most diverse forms of organisms on the planet. The greatest diversity are found in the tropics, and Borneo is a hotspot for some of the most amazing and varied forms. Because no field guide books exist on Bornean insects, many naturalists and guides are faced with a daunting task when it comes to identifying species they encounter here. In this workshop we will learn an overview of the insect orders and families that can be found in Borneo, discuss techniques for their field identification, and learn about their fascinating behavior and adaptations.

Ch’ien Lee’s background is in Biology (Ecology).

He also studied Entomology.
Did field studies on animal presence and usage in different habitat types.
A freelance wildlife Photographer since 2005, he has photographed Batang Ai National Park, Mulu in Sarawak and other places in Sabah.
His subjects included mammals, snakes, orchids, and birds.
Participated in scientific expedititions in Batang Ai, Ulu Baleh and Payeh Maga.
Contributing photographer to Phillipps Field Guide to Mammals of Borneo (2016)

Cynthia Lobato
MNSKB Secretariat