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Sunday, November 1, 2009


The MNS-Kuching Strategic Plan 2009-2012
1. The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) is the oldest and largest nature conservation organisation in Malaysia. MNS was established in 1940 by a group of naturalists to record and exchange information on, and to promote awareness about the diverse and abundant natural heritage of Malaya.
2. Since its early days, the MNS and its members have undertaken nature conservation projects, programmes and campaigns with a strong focus on education and public awareness to mobilize Malaysians to do their part for the protection and wise management of our natural heritage. Today, the MNS is recognized as one of the premier nature conservation organizations in the country, and works closely with government and other partners to advance nature conservation at the policy, planning, and implementation levels throughout the country.
3. The MNS operates through state-level branches and a permanent Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur. There are two branches in Sarawak: the Kuching Branch and the Miri Branch, both of which were formally established in 1998. Programme planning and implementation at branch level is guided by a Branch Committee, comprising volunteer members of the branch. Branch Committee members are elected at the annual Branch AGM, which is usually held in July or August.
4. At the national-level MNS AGM in August 2008 members, representing the MNS branches nationwide, adopted the MNS Strategic Plan 2008 – 2020 to guide the implementation of the Society’s mission and to ensure that its actions are in line with existing government policies and plans, and with Malaysia’s international nature conservation-related commitments.
This Strategic Plan
This Plan has been prepared to cover three (3) years of the Branch’s work, from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2012.
The vision, mission and goals of this Plan are the same as that of the MNS Strategic Plan 2008 – 2020. The strategies and actions in this Plan were formulated based on an assessment of the priorities and challenges for nature conservation in Sarawak, and on the strengths and opportunities of the MNS Kuching Branch (hereinafter referred to as ‘MNS-Kuching’) in terms of its existing programmes, members’ skills and expertise, and partnerships.
The order of presentation of the Strategies and Actions in this Plan are not indicative of their priority. It will be the task of each incoming Committee to assess and decide on priority actions for the year based on the opportunities, strengths and challenges which exist at the time they take office, and from Year 2 of implementation, after reviewing the progress to date.
It is important to note that not each and every issue that is or could be of relevance to nature conservation in Sarawak has been included in this Plan. This Plan deals with
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those issues that have been identified, through the consultative process, as being the immediate key issues that MNS-Kuching is in a position to address in the next three years.
For the purposes of this Plan, the geographical scope for site-based nature conservation projects undertaken by the MNS-Kuching is defined as the areas west of the Batang Lupar river.
This Plan is, and will remain an organic document, i.e. it will be reviewed periodically and revised accordingly in response to emerging challenges and opportunities.
The Purpose of this Plan
1. This Plan is intended to provide a framework for MNS-Kuching to define its direction in the next three years, to make decisions on allocating its financial and manpower resources, and to monitor and assess the impacts and outcomes of its actions.
2. It is also intended to inform key partners and other interested parties about the Branch’s priorities, and to provide the opportunity to enhance existing partnerships and to create new partnerships with like-minded organizations.
3. Finally, it is intended to communicate to the MNS Secretariat, MNS Council and other MNS branches how MNS-Kuching proposes to contribute to the implementation of the MNS Strategic Plan 2008 – 2020. In doing so, MNS-Kuching hopes to be able to solicit support from, and promote greater exchange and sharing of information and experiences within the Society.
Modus Operandi for implementation and periodic review of this Plan
1. Following the adoption of this Plan, the Branch Executive Committee (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) will be responsible to prepare an annual Work Programme, based on an assessment of priorities for the year, and from Year 2 of implementation, following a review of the progress to date. The annual Work Programme will include a financial plan, indicators to enable periodic assessment of progress and achievements, and will identify the key implementer(s) for each strategy and/or action.
2. The annual Work Programme will be forwarded to the Branch Committee for approval. Once approved, the Branch Secretary will forward the annual Work Programme to all MNS-Kuching members.
3. The Branch Executive Committee will be responsible to provide a report on progress in implementing this Plan at each annual Branch AGM, and as part of the Branch report to each annual National AGM.
4. Towards the end of each year of implementation, i.e. on or before 30 June each year, the Branch Committee will undertake a review of the implementation of this Plan. The report from this review will be made available to all MNS-Kuching members. Changes proposed to the Strategies and/or Actions contained in this Plan, if any, will be tabled at the subsequent Branch AGM, for adoption.
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5. In the event that there are amendments to the MNS Strategic Plan 2008 – 2020, the Branch Committee will review these to determine if corresponding amendments are needed for the strategies and actions identified in this Plan.
6. Any changes to this and subsequent Plans are subject to final approval by the Branch Committee, and on approval, will be communicated to all MNS-Kuching members, the MNS Secretariat, MNS Council, other MNS branches, partners and other interested parties.
Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles of the Plan
Our Vision is for Malaysia’s natural heritage and rich biological diversity to be effectively protected, managed and conserved for the benefit and appreciation of all Malaysians.
“To promote the study, appreciation, conservation and protection of Malaysia’s natural heritage.”
The above Mission may be represented briefly by the following motto:
“Know Nature, Value Nature and Act for Nature.”
Our Guiding Principles
In working towards the vision and mission above, the MNS-Kuching is guided by the following principles:
a) Member-driven. MNS shall always be a member-based and member-driven society, deriving its strength from a committed and active membership.
b) Independent. MNS is a self-governing and non-partisan organisation.
c) Non-profit. MNS is a properly constituted and registered society under Malaysian law, whose objective is to carry out its mission in the interests of its members without the intent of commercial or monetary profit.
d) Transparent. MNS shall maintain transparency and accountability in all its dealings with its members, as well as with its external supporters and partners such as donor agencies, sponsors, government agencies, and the public.
Our Approach
a) Knowledge-based and multi-disciplinary. MNS’s analysis of conservation problems and solutions is objective, multi-disciplinary and based on the best available scientific information and knowledge.
b) Communications, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA). MNS uses CEPA as an important tool to recruit, empower and partner with people to act for conservation while taking into account their social and economic realities. MNS endeavours to practice effective communications within its organization, and with partners and interested parties outside the organization.
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c) Capacity building. MNS organises or assists in training and other capacity building initiatives for those involved in, and responsible for the conservation and management of nature, including members, local communities and decision-makers.
d) Volunteerism. MNS shall always value the spirit of volunteerism and strongly encourage the participation of volunteers in its activities.
e) Best Practice. MNS seeks to demonstrate best practices in all its activities with the intention of being innovative, efficient and effective.
f) Results-driven. MNS stresses results by formulating strategic plans that assess policy/programme feasibility and include realistic short- and long-term goals and objectives.
g) Partnership. MNS subscribes to an inclusive spirit of partnership and willingness to work with all who support our nature conservation agenda, recognizing that sustainable conservation efforts are only possible through the involvement and support of all stakeholders including local communities and the general public.
h) Advocacy. MNS’s advocacy initiatives seek to communicate its findings and recommendations to decision-makers, at the national, state and local government levels, so as to influence or effect remedial nature conservation action.
i) Facilitation. MNS provides technical advice and acts in a facilitation role to encourage the active involvement of all stakeholders in discussing nature conservation-related challenges, and arriving at agreed solutions.
Goals, Strategies and Actions
Goal 1: To secure the conservation of environmentally sensitive areas, key habitats and species in Malaysia.
Strategy 1.1: Advocate for the effective management of the existing protected areas and the establishment of new protected areas, as a means to secure an integrated, comprehensive and representative Protected Area System in the state.
Action 1.1.1: Monitor the Kuching Wetlands National Park & Ramsar Site for management effectiveness and potential threats from development, and based on the findings, take actions, as appropriate, to advocate for the effective management of the area and the maintenance of its ecological integrity.
Action 1.1.2: Through the Bako-Buntal Bay Project act to promote awareness about the nature conservation values of the area, and advocate for its protection, effective management and recognition as a site of global conservation importance.
Action 1.1.3: Identify priority natural heritage sites, maintain a database of information on these areas, and take actions to advocate for their effective protection and management.
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Strategy 1.2: Advocate for the establishment of a centralised database of information on key habitats and species, and for this information to be disseminated, in the appropriate format, to aid development planning and raise civil society awareness about the natural heritage of Sarawak.
Action 1.2.1: Engage with the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre to advocate for the establishment of a comprehensive and publicly-accessible database on key sites and species.
Strategy 1.3: Advocate for the effective management of provisions under the Multi-lateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) which Malaysia is party to, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Wetlands and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, as a means to advance positive change at the state and local levels.
Action 1.3.1: Engage with the Sarawak State Planning Unit to discuss opportunities to provide input to wetland Communications, Education, Participation and Awareness (CEPA) activities, in line with the state government’s obligations under the (Ramsar) Convention on Wetlands, and consistent with MNS’s role as the government-appointed NGO CEPA Focal Point for the Ramsar Convention in Malaysia. Encourage the use of the Kuching Wetlands National Park Ramsar Site as a focal point for these actions.
Action 1.3.2: Engage with the relevant agencies responsible for the implementation of MEAs to discuss ways that MNS-Kuching can support their efforts, particularly in terms of input to workshops and discussions.
Action 1.3.3: Compile and communicate information about current global issues linked to MEAs (e.g. climate change, and the global water crisis) and their potential impact on the natural heritage of Sarawak.
Strategy 1.4: Identify threats to the survival of natural habitats and species and take appropriate actions to address these threats.
Action 1.4.1: Use the findings of the MNS-Kuching projects to communicate credible information on threats to endangered species and habitats to the relevant policy and decision-makers.
Action 1.4.2: Engage with the relevant stakeholders to identify actions which can be taken jointly to address threats to endangered species and habitats.
Goal 2: To empower current and future generations of Malaysians to act for the protection of our natural heritage.
Strategy 2.1: Work towards the establishment of a MNS Nature Education Centre (NEC) in Kuching to serve as a site for educational programmes and activities and as a ‘home’ for the MNS-Kuching; this centre to also act as a focal point for disseminating information about the natural heritage of Sarawak.
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Action 2.1.1: Conduct a feasibility study on the establishment of an MNS-Kuching NEC in the Kuching area. This will include identifying sources of funding (from the government and private sectors) to support the establishment and operation of the MNS-Kuching NEC, including funding to support the employment of full-time staff.
Action 2.1.2: Liaise with the Environmental Education Division of the MNS Secretariat to get advice and support for the feasibility study, and to draw on the experience and lessons learnt from the establishment and management of MNS NECs in West Malaysia.
Strategy 2.2: Enhance the existing partnership with the Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB) on their Kelab PALS programme as a way to increase the involvement of teachers and students in MNS-Kuching projects and activities.
Action 2.2.1: Discuss and agree with NREB a programme of action to engage more effectively with their Kelab PALS programme.
Strategy 2.3: Establish links with global conservation and environmental education networks and global initiatives to demonstrate new learning tools and approaches for formal and non-formal environmental education.
Action 2.3.1: Work with the Environmental Education Division and the Conservation Division at the MNS Secretariat to get more information on potential links to global and regional networks, and to access environmental educational resources (e.g. tools, programmes) which could be shared with our partners such as the NREB and Sarawak Forestry.
Strategy 2.4: Empower and mobilize the public through awareness raising and capacity building actions, and public campaigns to enable them to participate actively in the decision-making process for the management and conservation of nature and the environment.
Action 2.4.1: Build on the existing tree-planting programmes (such as the “Trees for Life” Community Project) as a public outreach tool for MNS-Kuching and to provide increased opportunities for the public to be involved in nature conservation activities.
Action 2.4.2: Explore the possibility of organizing multilingual radio talk shows on nature (in partnership with RTM-Kuching) to promote awareness about nature conservation issues.
Action 2.4.3: Continue to include a nature-based conservation education component in all MNS-Kuching activities (including site visits and nature trips) to increase member awareness about nature conservation issues, and mobilize support for our actions.
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Goal 3: To strengthen the institutional capacity of the Society towards achieving its mission and goals.
Strategy 3.1: Secure the financial resources required to enable MNS-Kuching to achieve the objectives of this Plan.
Action 3.1.1: Develop new and innovative means of raising funds, as necessary, to support the implementation of the strategies and actions identified in this Plan.
Strategy 3.2: Strengthen existing partnerships, and build new partnerships with like-minded organizations at the global, regional, national and local levels to magnify the impact of conservation initiatives and programmes.
Action 3.2.1: Focus on corporate partnerships as a means to get more organized groups to volunteer/participate in MNS-Kuching activities, and potentially, to secure funding to support the implementation of the actions identified in this Plan.
Action 3.2.2: Work with qualified Park Guides, through the ongoing park guiding training programme, to ensure that the information disseminated to national park visitors is scientifically-credible and helps educates visitors about nature conservation.
Strategy 3.3: Raise the image and profile of MNS to every segment of society so as to be recognized as a leading organization working to promote nature conservation.
Action 3.3.1: Establish an MNS-Kuching presence (posters, displays, etc.) at public places (e.g. national parks) as a way to increase awareness about our activities and programmes.
Action 3.3.2: Build a database of quality presentations on MNS and on key conservation issues to be presented to government agencies, organized groups and organizations as a way to ensure consistency in terms of the messages that we deliver.
Action 3.3.3: Enhance efforts to communicate our successes to a wide audience to increase recognition of our contribution to nature conservation efforts.
Goal 4: To grow and to effectively and efficiently mobilise membership resources towards achieving the Society’s mission and goals.
Strategy 4.1: Engage, maintain and expand the membership of MNS-Kuching through targeted membership drives, and through ongoing projects and programmes.
Action 4.1.1: Focus on actively engaging existing members in our activities and programmes, e.g. by regularly communicating information to them about our projects and programmes, and organizing “MNS Member Day” events.
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Action 4.1.2: Continue to organize high quality trips and events with appropriate nature interpretation components as a means to retain current members and expand membership.
Action 4.1.3: Continue to maintain a database on MNS-Kuching members, including information about each member’s skills, expertise and areas of interest.
Action 4.1.4: Develop an MNS-Kuching web site as a means to communicate effectively with our members, and to attract potential new members.
Strategy 4.2: Build the capacity of members to enable them to contribute effectively to our projects and programmes, and to ensure the sustainability of the Branch.
Action 4.2.1: Organize training workshops for members to enhance their skills in the nature conservation planning and management, including communications and advocacy.
Action 4.2.2: Continue to explore opportunities for MNS-Kuching members to be involved in workshops, seminars, and training and volunteer programmes organized by the MNS Secretariat or other MNS branches, or by institutions and organizations that work in nature conservation.
Action 4.2.3: Draw on the skills, expertise and interests of members to plan, develop and implement nature conservation projects and programmes.
Strategy 4.3: Promote and foster links between MNS-Kuching and the MNS Secretariat, and between MNS-Kuching and other MNS branches, to promote greater sharing of expertise, knowledge and experience.
Action 4.3.1: Explore opportunities for MNS-Kuching members to be involved in the nature conservation projects and events undertaken by MNS in other parts of the country.
Action 4.3.2: Explore opportunities for the MNS Secretariat staff and members from other MNS branches to be involved in MNS-Kuching’s conservation projects.
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